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UTCX #2 Weber County Fairgrounds
Weber County Fair Grounds 1000 North 1200 West , Ogden, UT, United Stateswww.bikereg.com
UTCX #3 Ogden CX Park
UTCX #4 Weber County Fairgrounds
Weber County Fair Grounds 1000 North 1200 West , Ogden, UT, United Stateswww.bikereg.com
UTCX #5 Fort Buenaventura
UTCX #6 Churchill Jr High
UTCX #7 RMR/Godfrey Trucking
Registration can be found on: www.bikereg.com/utcx-7-rmr-godfrey
UTCX #8 Draper Cycle Park
Draper Cycle Park 1455 E Highland Dr, Draper, UT, United Stateswww.bikereg.com
UTCX #9 Barnes Park
Cross Out Cancer
Art Dye Park 1000 North 550 E Street, American Fork, UT, United StatesCrushing cancer with the power of Cross! Race... ride.. come watch...donate... Let beat this thing! Cross Out Cancer! Register here: http://crossoutcancer.kintera.org/faf/home/default.asp?ievent=1167461
UTCX #10 Weber County Fairgrounds
Weber County Fair Grounds 1000 North 1200 West , Ogden, UT, United Stateswww.bikereg.com